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You can customize the PreHooks of the Logger instance using the following methods:

// hooks.gofunc PreHooks(hooks Hooks) Logger { ... }func RawPreHooks(hooks Hooks) Logger { ... }

The returned Logger instance will be a copy of the previous one, sharing the same Configuration struct. The only difference will be the PreHooks.

More info at the Loggers clonage page.

As you may have seen in the introduction, PreHooks are executed at the Second phase of the life cycle, right after the log creation.

Hooks are, essentially, just a function that will be called at log creation time and will return the value for some field, allowing you to create dynamic fields:

// hooks.go// Just an aliastype Hooks = map[string]func(Log) interface{}

You may have noticed that Hooks functions receive one argument of the type Log. This type is a struct used internally by the library to handle the log creation:

// handleLog.gotype Log struct {  ...}func (l Log) Field(key string) interface{} { ... }

Using this struct, you can query the fields of the created log using the Field method.


It's important to distinguish between this method and the Logger.Field() method. They're not the same.

This method will return the current value for some field, if it's evaluated at the time of the call. Don't expect to call this method inside PreHooks and get a value that will be evaluated just by some PostHook, because they're not ready.


It's not recommended that your Hooks depend on the Logger Configuration, because it can cause trouble when trying to change the Configuration dynamically. For details, see Dynamic Configuration.


You have to be very carefull when writing Hooks, because the library is not prepared to handle any kind of panic that can occur inside them, and it can cause issues.

PreHooks method#

This method, as the Fields/RawFields, will return a new copy of the Logger instance, with the given PreHooks applied. So, lets say you want to timestamp your logs every time they're created, you can create the following PreHook:

someLogger := logger.New(logger.DefaultConfig()).  PreHooks(logger.Hooks{    "timestamp": func(_ logger.Log) interface{} {          return time.Now().Second()   }}).  Outputs(logger.OutputJsonToWriter(os.Stdout, nil))someLogger.Debug("some log")/*  {    "msg": "some log",    "lvl": 2,    "timestamp": 23464356  }*/

This method will override any PreHook of the previous Logger instance with a key that clashes with some of the new ones. Example:

firstLogger := logger.New(logger.DefaultConfig()).  PreHooks(logger.Hooks{    "field-A": func(_ logger.Log) interface{} { return "dynamic value-A" },    "field-B": func(_ logger.Log) interface{} { return "dynamic value-B" },    "field-C": func(_ logger.Log) interface{} { return "dynamic value-C" },  }).  Outputs(logger.OutputJsonToWriter(os.Stdout, nil))firstLogger.Info("first log")/*  {    "msg": "first log",    "lvl": 4,    "field-A": "dynamic value-A",    "field-B": "dynamic value-B",    "field-C": "dynamic value-C"  }*/
secondLogger := firstLogger.  PreHooks(logger.Hooks{    "field-B": func(_ logger.Log) interface{} { return "new value" },  })secondLogger.Info("second log")/*  {    "msg": "second log",    "lvl": 4,    "field-A": "dynamic value-A",    "field-B": "new value",    "field-C": "dynamic value-C"  }*/

RawPreHooks method#

If you want to reset the Logger PreHooks you can use the RawPreHooks method, that will set the Logger PreHooks right away, ignoring any previous values (returning a new copy of the Logger instance, just like PreHooks). Example:

firstLogger := logger.New(logger.DefaultConfig()).  PreHooks(logger.Hooks{    "field-A": func(_ logger.Log) interface{} { return "dynamic value-A" },    "field-B": func(_ logger.Log) interface{} { return "dynamic value-B" },    "field-C": func(_ logger.Log) interface{} { return "dynamic value-C" },  }).  Outputs(logger.OutputJsonToWriter(os.Stdout, nil))firstLogger.Info("first log")/*  {    "msg": "first log",    "lvl": 4,    "field-A": "dynamic value-A",    "field-B": "dynamic value-B",    "field-C": "dynamic value-C"  }*/
secondLogger := firstLogger.  RawPreHooks(logger.Hooks{    "field-B": func(_ logger.Log) interface{} { return "different" },  })secondLogger.Info("second log")/*  {    "msg": "second log",    "lvl": 4,    "field-B": "different",  }*/

PreHooks querying PreHooks#

Don't use the Log.Field() method to query PreHook fields INSIDE a PreHook. PreHooks are applied using an iteration over the PreHooks map, and the order is not guaranteed (read more). Don't do this or do it:

someLogger := logger.NewDefault().  PreHooks(logger.Hooks{    // Even if the "field-A" is defined BEFORE "field-A-plus5",    "field-A": func(l logger.Log) interface{} { return 10 },        "field-A-plus5": func(l logger.Log) interface{} {      v := l.Field("field-A")      // "v" may be nil (maybe not), so this line may (maybe not) panic      return v.(int) + 5    },  })
// when iterating/executing the PreHooks inside the following log creationsomeLogger.Info("some log")