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You can customize Logger instances using the Configuration struct:

// configuration.gotype Configuration struct {    AsyncScheduler AsyncScheduler    LvlFieldName   string    MsgFieldName   string    LvlsEnabled    uint64    ErrorParser    func(error) (string, LogFields)}
  • AsyncScheduler: If nil, the Logger will be set to sync. If not nil, the Logger will be async
  • LvlFieldName: The lvl field is always required to be present. This configuration is used to control the key that represents the level of the log inside the LogFields. If it's equal to the MsgFieldName, an error will be thrown
  • MsgFieldName: The msg field is always required to be present. This configuration is used to control the key that represents the message of the log inside the LogFields. If it's equal to the LvlFieldName, an error will be thrown
  • LvlsEnabled: uint64 used to check the created logs to see if they're enabled. The log levels are expected to be used as integer flags, using values that are equal to the power of two: 2^0 (1), 2^1 (2), 2^2 (4), 2^3 (8), ...
  • ErrorParser: function used to extract information from the errors given to ErrorFrom and FatalFrom methods. If it's nil, an error will be thrown

You can set the Logger configuration using the Configuration method. Note that when you call this method from any Logger instance, all the Loggers that were created before it will point to the new Configuration.

LvlsEnabled usage#

For every created log, the log level and the Configuration.LvlsEnabled will be compared using the bitwise and operator. If the result of the operation is true, the log is allowed to continue it's life cycle. If false, the log is not created and nothing happens (noop).

This is the real function that checks to see if the log level is enabled:

// util.go// Real production codefunc notEnabled(flags uint64, logLvl uint64) bool {    return (flags & logLvl) == 0}

The library comes with some builtin constant values, that can be used to calculate new values, for example, or be used to configure the Logger in a different way:

// logLevels.goconst (    LvlTrace uint64 = 1 << iota    LvlDebug    LvlInfo    LvlWarn    LvlError    LvlFatal)const (    LvlProduction = LvlInfo | LvlWarn | LvlError | LvlFatal    LvlDefaults = LvlDebug | LvlProduction    LvlAll = LvlTrace | LvlDefaults)

If you need to convert the log level uint64 to some string representation, you can use the LvlToString function, exported by the root package.

Default configuration#

The library comes with a builtin Default Configuration, accessible by calling the DefaultConfig() root package function, that will handle the most basic scenarios:

// configuration.gofunc DefaultConfig() Configuration {    return Configuration{        AsyncScheduler: nil,        LvlFieldName: "lvl",        MsgFieldName: "msg",        LvlsEnabled:  LvlDefaults,        ErrorParser:  DefaultErrorParser,  }}

This configuration will set the Logger to be sync (nil AsyncScheduler), use the default values for the level and message required fields, disable only the Trace log levels and use the DefaultErrorParser to extract the errors given to the ErrorFrom and FatalFrom methods.

It is, in fact, the configuration used to create Default Loggers.