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Life cycle

Any created log will pass between four phases:

  1. sync Creation: The log is created and AdHoc fields are collected
  2. sync Pre handling: PreHooks are evaluated
  3. sync/async Post handling: Base fields, PreHooks, AdHoc fields are applied and PostHooks are evaluated and applied
  4. sync/async Output: The final log fields are forwarded to every configured Output

Sync Phase 1: Creation#

This phase is characterized by the call to the Logger log level method itself:

someLogger.Trace("some msg", logger.LogFields{ ...someFields... })

At this point, the AdHoc fields are collected and a referece to them is stored, in order to be able to process them by the following phases.

Sync Phase 2: Pre handling#

Right after the AdHoc fields are collected, the PreHooks are evaluated. It means that all the configured PreHooks functions will be called at this stage, in a synchronous way. The returned PreHooks function values will be stored inside the created log, in order to be applied later.


At this stage, the log fields aren't ready yet. We're just calculating the possible values of the fields. These values can be overriden by AdHoc fields or PostHooks, at later phases, but we don't know for sure.

(A)Sync Phase 3: Post handling#

This is the most expensive phase, since it's responsible to let the log fields ready to be used by the Outputs.

Here, the Base fields are copied from the Logger instance that created the log into a new LogFields map, followed by the copy of the evaluated PreHooks (from phase 2), followed by the copy of the AdHoc fields (from phase 1). The PostHooks values will be last to be evaluated and copied to the final log fields. More information, see the Fields override order page.

At the end of the phase 3, the message and level log fields will be applied to the LogFields map, overriding any previous value that used the keys respectively configured. Something like this:

logFields[lvlFieldKey] = log.lvllogFields[msgFieldKey] = log.msg

If the Logger is set to be async, this phase will be executed by a different go routine than the one that created the log

(A)Sync Phase 4: Output#

Just a for loop over the Logger configured Outputs slice, forwarding the final log fields, created at the phase 3:

// Not real production-code (just to illustrate)for _, output := range logger.outputs {  output(lvl, msg, logFields)}

If the Logger is set to be async, this phase will be executed by a different go routine than the one that created the log